Tuesday, November 20, 2007

tun, turn, turn

today's exhibit is, i think, my favorite piece ever. the funny thing about it is, i have never read or heard anything about the (book) series it was inspired by. a friend of mine in my cyber nations alliance is a huge fan of robert jordan's "wheel of time" series. when robert jordan passed away, Life_Swordsman asked me if i would make a sig for him utilizing his favorite line from the books. no other instruction. i said "sure", and stared at my computer screen in a complete daze. i had no idea what i was going to do. so, i went back to my beloved homepage and did a google image search for wheel of time.

most of the results seemed to be fan art of characters, and scans of book covers. so i asked L_S what his favorite volumn was, thinking i'd co-opt the cover of that book and add the text to it or something. well, i couldn't find any that would suit that purpose. foiled. so, i asked him which was his favorite character, and tried again. foiled, again. reaching the end of my rope, i found this symbol that looked like a serpent entwined with a wheel, and turned back in on itself. it looked interesting. a few moments later, i had learned that this was the logo, if you will, for the wheel of time series. BINGO. an image appeared in my head at that point, thank god. >.> a little more digging for a suitable background, and a little- ok, a lot- of tweaking on the colour and beveling of the wheel/snake thingy.... and i had it. and fortuntely, Life_Swordsman loved it as much as i do.

i will never cease to be amazed at how one can go from having NO CLUE what to do, to having a breathtaking, uber-awesome finished product in so little time. gives me chills, sometimes... >.>

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